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Sunday, February 19, 2006 

More choosing the alternative health path

More choosing the alternative health path
(Australia) USE of vitamins and herbal medicines has hit an all-time high, with middle-aged women identified as the biggest users of these and other forms of alternative medicine.

Meditation can make workplaces safer
ust 10 minutes a day of intensive meditation could make workers more productive and workplaces safer, a meditation company says.

Spirituality's rising role in medicine stirs debate
Science and religion straddle disparate worlds, periodically creating tense standoffs as in the recent disputes about intelligent design and the Dalai Lama's lecture at a large neuroscience meeting. Amidst those debates, some researchers are posing the contentious question: is spirituality good for health?

Kava Root: Ancient Ritual Herb & Modern Phytopharmaceutical (Part 2)

In this presentation before the annual convention of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Ed Smith discusses many of the important and timely issues surrounding the manufacturing and use of Kava (Piper methysticum). This from one of the country's most respected authorities on this important medicinal plant.

Total time: 21min 03sec [lc09(b)]

Visit HerbalEd.org to download additional herbal lectures and interviews with Ed Smith.

Hale Sofia Schatz's Tips for Daily Nourishment Practice
In her book, If The Buddha Came to Dinner, Hal Sofia Schatz recommends energy-building foods, a cleanse program, and recipes, to reawaken vitality and spirit. As a follow-up to our book excerpt from If The Buddha Came to Dinner, Hal ...

Meditation associated with structural changes in brain
The regular practice of meditation appears to produce structural changes in areas of the brain associated with attention and sensory processing.

'Alternative' therapies not so unusual today
Acupuncture for arthritis of the knee. Probiotics for viral gastroenteritis. Meditation and stress reduction after a heart attack. On the surface, these therapies appear to have little in common. However, all were once viewed as unconventional by the medical establishment.

Dive into Peaceful Slumber
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Staying asleep? Does work stress cause your mind to chatter at bedtime?

Kava Root: Ancient Ritual Herb & Modern Phytopharmaceutical (Part 3)

In this presentation before the annual convention of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Ed Smith discusses many of the important and timely issues surrounding the manufacturing and use of Kava (Piper methysticum). This from one of the country's most respected authorities on this important medicinal plant.

Total time: 20min 12sec [lc09(c)]

Visit HerbalEd.org to download additional herbal lectures and interviews with Ed Smith.


Take Good Care of Yourself